When I'm lazy ...

When I'm lazy - like now ... well, it's a surprise. 

I push through laziness and 'oh I don't feel like it' - USUALLY - and do it anyway.

But right now, I'm lazy. 

I had this song - of course - pop into my head as I started writing.

I'm not wicked, but I am (right now) lazy.

(And, I've always loved David Byrne. Talking Heads - say no more - except... can you actually pin down a favourite TH song ....  'cos I can't).

I had so much I was going to do - and this morning I did do so much ... including decluttering that unloved 'under the sink' cupboard that's generally so neglected.

Just one cupboard though - I'm taking it one cupboard and drawer at a time.

Rachel Redlaw kitchen decluttering

Kitchen decluttering is one of my favourite 'power tools' in The Tiniest Thai diet - it changes the energy to something new and light and exciting.

But then I went to a BFI London Film Festival screening this afternoon of The Levelling (bleak, beautiful, thought-provoking) and ... when I got home I was going to do EVERYTHING but then just realised I didn't want to.


And more, than that - for once - I didn't want to push past not wanting to.

That's the unusual thing. But that's also sort of the point.

Usually, I KNOW that pushing past 'not wanting to' will feel good, make me feel alive, and my creativity just starts FLOWING.

Today, I made (diet) jalfrezi curry (with real rice) and poured a glass of red wine and wrote this instead.

Instead of the four blog post ideas I've had today and noted down and - earlier - couldn't wait to get back and start writing! Or finalising the menu for next weekend's Tiniest Thai on Tour, and finishing the shopping list ...

Who knows what it is ... but this feeling of laziness is so very very rare, I'm going with it today.

I'm going to make us lemon vodka sours.


I'm going to read my book. Maybe watch some more of the series I'm watching. 

(Yes, still Narcos. LOVE IT).

Murder in the Marais

Have a bath.

And - quite possibly - 'round about midnight - feel the urge to jump straight back on my laptop and write those posts, ha!

So, I'll see you later ... or tomorrow ... but whenever it is, sometimes ...

It's good to be 'lazy'. 

(Well, this once!)