Beautiful Asian-inspired spaghetti — RACHEL REDLAW

Beautiful Asian-inspired spaghetti

I’m currently, unashamedly, singularly, OBSESSED with the simplest pastas.

Which means yet again it’s pretty impossible to show in a picture just how good this is.

I’d actually wanted noodles but didn’t have any (I KNOW - outrageous, right?).

So I cooked some beautiful spaghetti. And this turned out so gorgeous I’m GLAD I was out of noodles.

I warmed oil in a pan and added garlic and spring onions and chilli and after 30 seconds or so when it smelt really good, I added a big ladle of the pasta cooking water and crumbled in 1/3 of a chicken Knorr stock cube and a slosh of light soy sauce.

Next time I make this i might add a little grated fresh ginger too at the start along with the garlic, onions and chilli.

Cooked for three minutes, simmering. Added the spaghetti that was deliberately a little under cooked and cooked for two more minutes.

Added a teaspoon or so toasted sesame oil and let it simmer for another minute. And then added just a little salt and a sprinkling of dried chilli flakes for seasoning.


Here’s the reminder of what you’ll need to make this:


Olive oil


Spring onions

One fresh red or green hot chilli

Pasta cooking water

A little Knorr chicken stock cube

Light soy sauce

Toasted sesame oil


Dried chilli flakes

This was so satisfying and so quick.

I really, really liked this.

It has so much of everything I love about it - it’s simple, classic, easy and has some of my favourite flavours.