home made drinks

Home-made (almost) Amaretto

I can't imagine anyone in the world not liking Amaretto ... and whilst it's not exactly the same as that gorgeous Disaronno - it IS super-easy to make a good home-made version.

It makes a great gift too - when I've given it as a present in the past, I've bought a couple of little pretty vintage glasses on eBay to go with it.

All you need is to make a simple sugar syrup by putting into a pan:

200g white sugar

100g demerara sugar

200ml (plus a splash) of water

Very slowly bring it the boil, stirring now and then to dissolve the sugar - when it's come to the boil and the sugar has dissolved, immediately remove from the heat and leave to cool.

Pour half a bottle (37.5 cl) decent vodka into a big jug and when cool add the sugar syrup and stir.

Then add:

4-5 teaspoons natural almond essence

2 teaspoons natural vanilla extract

Rachel Redlaw Amaretto
Rachel Redlaw Amaretto
Rachel Redlaw Amaretto

Stir, taste, adjust if necessary ... and that's it! 

Just pour into a bottle and it's ready to drink. 

This today happily made a full bottle plus a small glass for the 'chef' :)