Four years ago last Saturday was the day I started my blog.
It looked terrible (and I knew it, but I'd never blogged before, never tried to do this, and I couldn't make it look how I wanted. So I let that go).
It was called Racey's Thai Cooking (Racey's a family nickname).
And this was a year and a bit on! I kept adding content, even though I was stuck on how to make it look good.
It was the first time I'd written something that wasn't an email or report or a presentation in YEARS (and years and years).
And it was the start of a total passion - sharing recipes, food, writing, that has lead to so many other things - including creating The Tiniest Thai supperclub and the Thai Diet ... and lead to meeting so many new friends.
It was terrifying pressing publish that first time.
My writing didn't flow.
I honestly worried people would laugh at me.
I thought maybe I should have posted a few recipes/posts/blogs before announcing I was doing this - not 'launch' it with just that one post.
But what felt right to me then - and has done ever since - is to SAY you're doing something .... and then you kinda have to DO IT.
I'm better with a deadline and/or some accountability!
It was also a time in my life where I'd made a huge decision to focus on creating space to find what I loved doing.
At the same time, it was in many ways one of the loneliest times in my life - where I realised that it was down to ME and only me - to create what I wanted, to create my life.
Thank you to everyone for not only not laughing (why do we even have those stupid thoughts?) but for supporting and encouraging and even - a million more THANK YOUs - trying my recipes and commenting and sharing - and coming to my supperclub.
To celebrate four years, I'm going to be doing a couple of celebration supperclub/parties - on me of course - so comment or message me if you'd like to come (and if you've been before I'll be messaging you to invite you. Soon as I've worked out what dates I can actually do).
It's been a truly transformational four years.
When I started blogging it was about something much bigger than blogging.
It was starting again - choosing to do something just because I wanted to and wanted to do something creative.
Something that was in me but hadn't had any outlet at all.
And it has been - and IS - something much bigger than that for me.
It's truly been life changing to see what happens when you choose what you really want to do and make time and space for that - and then see all the opportunities and connections and things you couldn't even see or think would happen... come from that.
Just start. Totally imperfect and scared.
Whatever it is that's calling you, nagging inside you.