Chilli cheese on toast — RACHEL REDLAW

Chilli cheese on toast

You know how sometimes you think you’ve just invented the best dish ever?

And then you google it and yes, it is amazing, but no, sorry, you definitely didn’t invent it …..?

Well, that just happened to me earlier this week with this amazing chilli cheese on toast.

I mean, I thought cheese on toast with extra chillies was entirely my idea! (hehe, even as I write this I do know that I didn’t actually invent it, obviously).

Anyway, anyway, anyway …

If YOU haven’t yet invented chilli cheese on toast, well then I invite you to do so right now.

It’s very good and all you need (for one greedy one) is:

A good big spoonful of butter - probably around a tablespoon, but really whatever feels right to you

1-2 spring onions, sliced

1 small garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped

1 green chilli, finely sliced - or amount to your taste of course

freshly ground black pepper

2 slices of bread - or however much you want really. I’ve got two slices of the sourdough they do already sliced at the supermarket. If I’d bought a fresh small springy loaf from my favourite local shop I’d probably have four slices so … y’know - all up to you, your hunger or greed, and the size of the loaf. You decide.

A nice big hunk of strong cheddar cheese, grated. Or mozzarella - I think that would be delish. Or a mix of cheddar and mozzarella. Possibly even better.

Dried chill flakes, to garnish.

Mash up the butter, spring onions, garlic, chilli and black pepper until you have just the most adorable flavoured butter.

Toast the bread either in a toaster or - as I prefer to do when making this, under the grill. Why? So that I can toast one side of the bread to perfection and one side a little under-done - ready to be cooked a little longer once the topping is on.

Spread the lightly toasted side with the adorable butter mixture and then grate on the cheese, or add ready-grated cheese (I really am now thinking a mix of cheddar and mozzarella would be amazing).

Put back under the grill and heat until the cheese is all lovely and melted.

I then sprinkled on a few dried chilli flakes And that’s it!

You could add sauces or mustard or whatever you want right now, but mine was perfect as it was. Really, perfection.

Oh! And talking of finding you didn’t actually discover this for the very first time ever … when googling I came across a recipe for this from Dishoom (which I’m kind of proud about because if Dishoom are making it then it’s obviously incredible, right?) and they add a fried egg to the chill cheese on toast, then a bit MORE cheese and then toast again. (I think).

I haven’t tried it yet, but I do intend to!

Happy chilli cheese toasting, everyone ….