Green chilli dipping sauce — RECIPES — RACHEL REDLAW

Green chilli dipping sauce

Green chilli dipping sauce

Perfect for barbecued prawns, or beautiful griddled whole squid.

Or perhaps some pan-fried sea bass with crispy skin (cook in a hot pan with a little oil for four minutes skin side down, turn and cook for two-three minutes then back skin side down for another one to two).

Any seafood really! 🍤 🦑 🐟 🦐

This is really spicy and sour and delicious and will keep in a jar in the fridge for about a week.

2-3 bird eye green chillies (you can use red I just wanted a green sauce) - chopped

1-2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped

3 tablespoons fish sauce

The juice of 3 juicy limes

1.5 tablespoons caster sugar (or granulated white sugar is fine it just doesn’t dissolve as quickly)

small handful of fresh chopped coriander leaves (sometimes I add a few chopped mint leaves too)

Put the chillies and garlic into a mortar and pound with the pestle to muddle and mush them somewhat together.

Remember that you’re going to be eating this raw so make sure the pieces are chopped quite small.

Add the fish sauce and lime juice and water and stir in.

Then add the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Throw in the coriander and mix it in.

Taste and see if you want to adjust any of the flavours to get the perfect balance of spicy, sour, sweet and salty for you.

Drizzle a little over the seafood to serve and leave for people to add more to their own taste 🌶 🌿