Turkish eggs

Turkish-style eggs

'Same same but not same same'.  That's the Thai bit done then!

These eggs (straight into 'rest of the world' category of course) are very delicious and a Middle Eastern take on the Italian eggs in purgatory.

This one isn't my recipe either (eggs in purgatory is a Nigella recipe) - it's my friend Amanda's and it was absolutely perfect for a weekend brunch after a wedding party the night before and even better for being able to be eaten outdoors.

The Tiniest Thai Rachel Walder Turkish eggs

These would be equally good of course for an easy supper or lunch.

Quantities are up to you but you'll need the following:

olive oil  (for frying so not extra virgin)

some onion, thinly sliced

red chilli, diced

roasted red peppers from a jar, sliced

tinned chopped tomatoes

salt and pepper to season

eggs, one-two per person

chopped coriander leaves and more sliced red chilli, to serve

minced garlic stirred into some plain yogurt, to serve

Heat the olive oil over a medium-low heat, add the onion and cook slowly until translucent (about ten minutes). Then add the red chilli and roasted red peppers and again cook slowly for about another five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the tinned tomatoes, season to taste, and cook until it's all good and hot and bubbling gently and then crack in the eggs and cover the pan.  Cook for a few minutes until the whites of the eggs are set and then bring to the table to serve or ladle straight onto plates.

Serve with chopped coriander and more chillies (if liked) and a spoonful of the garlic yogurt sauce.

Eat with bread, coffee, and ideally with sunshine.  And a gorgeous dog too if possible (also if liked) :)

The Tiniest Thai Rachel Walder Turkish eggs

Let me know if you make this; would love to hear if you liked it as much as I did!