brunch ideas — RECIPES — RACHEL REDLAW

brunch ideas

Chicken broccoli rice stir fry

You know when you want something that’s just comforting and easy but also feels like it is

Well, broccoli we KNOW is good for us, and rice and chicken kind of the best comfort food.

So this simple little brunch stir fry delivered.

Perfect for any time too, I’d say - brunch, lunch or a quick supper.

Super easy …. so let’s go!

Just change the quantities for however many you’re cooking it for - I made this one just for me.

You’ll need:

rice (a couple of tablespoons of dried rice)

however much broccoli you want - I think I had half a head, cut into bite-size florets

cooking oil / spray cooking oil

1-2 bird eye chillies - to your taste - finely chopped

1-2 garlic cloves - again as per their size and to your taste - peeled, crushed and finely chopped

a nice piece of fresh ginger, peeled and then grated (I don’t really like ginger that much when it’s cut into small bits but I LOVE it grated)

a little water

1/3 chicken Knorr stock cube

1/2 - 1 chicken breast depending on size and how hungry you are

fish sauce

light soy sauce


oyster sauce

Bring a pan of water with a pinch of salt to the boil, and when boiling add the rice.

Boil on a medium boil for eight minutes, throw in the broccoli, bring back to the boil and boil another minute.

Drain rice and broccoli into a sieve quickly, leaving a little of the cooking water in the bottom of the pan, then put the sieve back over the top of the pan and quickly clamp the lid on top of that. Leave to steam while you make the rest of the dish.

Get a large non-stick pan and put over a medium heat. Add a little slosh of cooking oil or some sprays from your cooking oil spray.

Add the chillies, garlic and ginger and cook, stirring, for maybe 30 seconds until they release those gorgeous flavours and smells. Add a splash of water if it looks like sticking - you’ll definitely need to if using the spray oil.

Then add a good slosh of water ad crumble in the stock cube - bring to a simmer.

Add the chopped chicken and cook for a couple of minutes until sealed.

Then add a slosh each of light soy sauce and fish sauce and stir it all together. Add a pinch of sugar and stir again.

Always add a little more water if needed.

Lid on and simmer for five minutes.


Again, keep an eye on it and add more water if needed - you don’t want this soupy AT ALL but you don’t want it sticking and dry.

Take the lid off and tip in the rice and broccoli, and stir well to combine.

Add a slosh of oyster sauce, stir. Simmer one minute longer.

And that’s it.

I like to serve it packed first into a little bowl and then put the plate on top, tip upside down and remove bowl to leave the cooked rice etc in a lovely shape - it did fall a bit but I kind of liked that.

And it was everything I’d wanted it to be …. will definitely be making this again.