green goddess salad

'Green Goddess' salad

OK, a short post today but I just have to share as I am ADDICTED to this delicious salad!

It's based on this recipe from Mel Wells.

I've had it twice this week already, once with some cold sliced roast chicken and today with peppered smoked mackerel.  Both utterly delish.

To make it as I've done you'll need:

a cup of broccoli florets, chopped really small

a cup of peas (I used frozen)

one avocado

juice of one lime

a handful of mint leaves

a handful of basil leaves

a spoonful or two of Greek-style yogurt

a great big handful of spinach

a little olive oil

salt and pepper

cooked chicken or smoked mackeral to serve

And here's what you do.

Boil a pan of water and when boiling throw in the broccoli and peas.  Bring back to the boil then remove from heat, drain and cool the veg. (Note - I made this again last night and had to add just a splash of water to get the dressing liquid enough - no idea why, perhaps the avocado wasn't as soft as the other one. Anyway, just to say if it's not blending beautifully creamily, you might need to add a little water).

Halve the avocado and put one half into a blender or food processor with the lime juice, mint, basil and yogurt and whizz up to a lovely creamy dressing.

Put the cooled broccoli and peas into a bowl and pour over the dressing, and add the other avocado half chopped and the spinach leaves.

Stir it all together with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste and serve with the chicken or smoked mackerel.

The Tiniest Thai Rachel Walder green goddess salad