homemade tomato saue — RECIPES — RACHEL REDLAW

homemade tomato saue

Beautiful simple tomato sauce

There’s something that right now feels very comforting about taking a while over something and also about making something really simple to eat.

This is the easiest tomato sauce but what makes it beautiful is giving it that time to simmer.

It’s not just heating up a tin of tomatoes, it’s allowing those tomatoes to release flavour and create texture and just become something so much more delicious that you might think this would be.

I made enough for two portions so just double up to make enough for four - and actually that’s probably even easier and it’ll keep in the fridge for a couple of days, so when I make it again that’s what I’ll be doing.

But today, what I used was:

A good slosh of olive oil - maybe a tablespoon or so

1/2 onion, peeled and finely chopped

1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

salt and black pepper

basil leaves would be lovely if you have them (I didn’t)

Put a non-stick deep frying pan or a saucepan over a low heat, add the olive oil and then the chopped onion and garlic.

Fry very gently until translucent - it’ll take longer than you think - if the garlic looks like it’s burning add a little more oil or a tiny splash of water.

Then tip in the tomatoes.

When it’s empty, pour water into the tin, give it a good slosh around to get the last bits of tomato and add half a tin of water to the pan.

Add salt and some freshly ground black pepper - and don’t be shy about it, this sauce needs these seasonings!

Bring to the boil then reduce heat so it’s just on the very gentlest simmer - and cook, covered, for half an hour, checking in on it and stirring now and then.

If you have fresh basil, throw in a few torn leaves right at the end.

And that’s it. It was so good I was literally standing eating it off a spoon straight from the pan.

I don’t need to tell you what to use this for - pastas and pizzas or on toast, or anything really - including these super-simple-fast tortilla/wrap ‘pizzas’.

I don’t really know why but right now in these very difficult and uncertain times, making (and eating) this made me feel more grounded so that in itself was just a very good thing for me to have done today - and I hope it does for you too.
